Re-Designing Your Visual Surroundings
Consider the formal concepts we have gone over during this term...
Investigate your surroundings with a critical eye and find examples of poor design or design which you feel you could improve. This could be: a book or movie cover, cd sleeve, concert poster, food cart sign, billboard, cereal box, etc. etc.
Bring 3 examples to class on Tuesday, March 1st (picture or actual object)
Project Time-line
Lecture on design, movements and text
- Follow steps 1-3 of design process: identify audience, brainstorm, & ideate- create at least 10 thumbnails sketches
March 3rd: Continue ideation- select strongest 4 designs to enlarge, meet in small groups to get feedback, HW: Select final design to enlarge to appropriate size for final project.
March 8th: Turn in Sketchbooks for grade
- Workday for Final Project; finish final project and all re-worked projects.
March 10th: Final Project is due for critique at beginning of class
Also: Turn in final portfolio of all projects through out the term.
(Projects will be ready for pick up Monday, March 14th at 10 AM)